What a classic! But what happened to the original upload?
What a classic! But what happened to the original upload?
It's 631860. You're welcome.
Nice earrape ending xD
Very good! Just curious what's the time signature?
EDIT: It's literally just 4/4 lol
Great! Original here:
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=sRVLYZMJ3Vw
Umm, DJ-Nate? I think you forgot to enable this song for use in GD... ...unless you did that on purpose?
Actually in 6/8
Wait wait wait... what if RobTop is purposely banning this song in GD until God Eater is out?
(insert rant about copyright, Death Corridor, and Theory of FirePower here and hope for the 0.1% chance that Dr. Phonics will stop copyrighting this song)
But srsly i like this song. Nice dubstep. Hopefully the GD cancer will stop soon.
nobody cares (lol)
Joined on 8/27/16